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Lima was founded on January 18, 1535

Main cities
Arequipa, Callao, Trujillo, Cuzco, Iquitos, Chiclayo, Piura

27 947 000 mestizos people(45%), mulattos, Indigenas (49%), blacks and Asians (6%)

Spanish, Quechua, Aymara and other Indigenous languages

The currency is the Nuevo Sol (s/.), with coins of 10, 20, and 50 cents and 1, 2, with 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 Nuevo Sol notes. All major credit cards are accepted in hotels, restaurants and shops. ATMs are widely available in major cities.

Political System
Presidential republic, with three public powers: legislative (house 0f 120 representaives), Executive (President and Council of Ministers) and Judicial (supreme Court and High Courts of Justice)

- By Air:
Peru's main arrival point for the International Airport “Jorge Chávez” about 30 minutes from the most important residential and comercial city of Lima and the district of Miraflores. From Lima flights can be connected to almost all major cities in Peru.

- Taxi:
We suggest using authorized companies and avoiding informal taxis offering lower prices that can sometimes cause robbery or lost luggage.

- Road:
There are buses with all comforts (air conditioning, food, DVD, hostess, bus-bed) that help you connect with the main cities, Routes to major cities in Peru are paved, except those connected to the forested areas of Iquitos, Amazonas, San Martin, Madre de Dios, where Access by road is rough and is better to take flights.

Peruvian Cuisine
It is a varied and exquisite ethnic mix, variety of ingredientes and preparation methods native to the mix from European cuisine, Asian, African and other neighboring countries has worked for the renowned “Creole food” fish and seafood are part of the typical dishes of our cuisine. It is recommendable to drink water from sealed bottles or use water purification tablets.

Entertatainment and Music
The Latin music clubs native of the coast are popular in Lima and Major coastal cities. Restaurants and hotels in Cuzco and other cities offer live music and folcloric dances. Or you can visit a “peña” a club with colorful performances where the audience participates.

Business and Shopping
Monday to Friday: Business (9:00-17:00). Shops (10:00-19:00) Saturday: shops (10:00-19:00)

All main Banks are represented in Lima. And in the main cities of Peru. Monday- Friday: 9:45 to 17:00 - Saturdays: 9:45 - 12:00

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Travel and Adventure Agency

Psje. Wuamashraju N° 692 - Parque Ginebra
(In front of House of Guides), Huaraz - Perú

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